A1 Instalec
Electrical Contractors
A1 Instalec are an electrical contractor business who required our Accreditation services.
Client Requirements:
This client works generally in the commercial sector and often as a sub-contractor to very large building contractors, local authorities etc.
First Visit:
Westminster Compliance visited the premises to discuss all aspects of health and safety with the Manager who had been running his business for many years. The main problem was an increase of administration simply to keep up with the ever-changing requirements of both new and old clients.
Our Solution:
To gather all the information required by the accreditation body currently on the client’s files. We then reviewed all their documentation, updating where required and helping them to write a variety of new documentation to ensure that the assessor would be satisfied and the accreditation would be gained.
The Outcome:
This process has continued for several years ensuring that accreditations are maintained and work continues to flow for the client. However each year the accreditation bodies change some of their rules and often request further documentation which we are always pleased to either advise upon or in some cases provide.
Client message:
“I would just like to pass on my sincere thanks and appreciation for the help, advice, knowledge and professionalism of Westminster Compliance, and the speed of turnaround of each of our document submissions. I would not have been able to do it without you both, thank you.
Good News, we passed first time again this year and received the certificate yesterday.”
Linda Egan