Fire Safety Consultancy Services

Fire risk assessments, fire safety training, fire safety management systems

All current fire safety legislation stems from the RRO (Regulatory Reform Order) published in 2005. The most important requirements of this legislation are as follows:

  • All fire risks must be assessed by a competent person and the results recorded in a written fire risk assessment.
  • Records must be kept to show that fire protection measures have been provided, properly maintained and are regularly inspected.
  • An Emergency (Evacuation) Action Plan has been written, confirmed and published.
  • Staff have received fire training in procedures to be undertaken in the event of fire.
  • Staff have received training in the use of any fire safety equipment provided.
  • Records are kept of the maintenance of such equipment.
  • Adequate means of fire detection, warning systems and escape routes are in place to allow people to leave the building safely.
  • Action plans have been formulated and signed off to indicate proposed completion dates and actual completion dates.


It is up to each individual organisation or property owner to appoint a suitably competent person to undertake the above tasks.

The legislation places a responsibility on those who own and/or manage buildings to ensure that fire safety legislation is adhered to. This legislation also dictates that all commercial premises, blocks of flats, HMOs (houses of mixed occupation), hospitals, care homes, educational establishments and government buildings are risk assessed on a regular basis.


Fire Safety Services offered by Westminster Compliance:
  • Health and Safety Building Audits
  • Fire Risk Assessments
  • Fire Policies
  • Emergency and Evacuation Procedures
  • Fire Safety Logbooks
  • Fire Marshal Training (Face to Face) and Elearning courses
  • Emergency First Aid Training Elearning courses


E-Learning Courses Available:

Basic Fire Safety Awareness
Fire Marshal
Fire Extinguisher Training
Emergency First Aid (Refresher)


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    I would just like to pass on my sincere thanks and appreciation for the help, advice, knowledge and professionalism of Westminster Compliance, and the speed of turnaround of each of our document submissions. I would not have been able to do it without you both, thank you. Good News, we passed first time again this year and received the certificate yesterday.

    Linda Egan A1 Instalec

    Despite your reassurances and confidence that nothing bad would result from this unfortunate incident, we were worried throughout the time the legal people were writing rather nasty letters. We will always trust your judgement and will always want you to look after our health and safety arrangements.

    AGP Cleaning Services

    As I do not enjoy administration and paperwork, my sincere thanks go to the Westminster Compliance admin team for taking care of this for us.

    Cyril Smith Fencing Ltd

    Thanks to all the team at Westminster Compliance whose guidance and regular contact gives GCS reassurance with all health and safety issues.

    GCS London Limited

    Thanks for making available this low cost and extremely efficient system for training my staff.

    GBE Installations Limited

    Westminster Compliance helped us with everything that I requested along with further requirements that I did not realize I needed and all within the original price quoted.

    Gordon Homes

    We wanted to have health and safety arrangements in place but never realised the effect this manual would have on gaining new business.

    Neil Egleton Our Heritage Tree Services Ltd

    Knowing that you can take care of many aspects of training in various ways and at the right price makes my working life so much easier.

    Fabrice Monet Therapy and Education Ltd
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